Fun Facts About Greg

Hi, have we met? I’m Greg Schuler - boudoir photographer and owner of Schuler Studios.

To help us get to know each other, I came up with a few fun facts about myself!

I Got my First Camera in the 3rd Grade

Kodak 110 Instamatic camera. Photo by Gado Images.

Or maybe 2nd grade - I’m not sure. But anyway, it was a Kodak Instamatic that used 110mm film cartridges and flash cubes that had four single-use bulbs.

A word of warning in case you ever use one of these antiques. When the flash goes off, it is essentially a controlled explosion that melts the bulb and leaves the surface of the cube hot enough that it can burn you!

Later, when I started high school, I bought a proper SLR camera that I still use to this day. And, yes, they do still make film!

I Went on a Safari in Africa

And of course I had my camera with me!

In high school I travelled to South Africa as an American Field Service (AFS) exchange student. My host family arranged for a three-day safari at one of the country’s largest game reserves.

I Spent a Month Touring European Art Museums

During a year abroad in college we had a month-long break in January. So I got a rail pass and travelled all over Europe. It turns out that many attractions are closed in the winter. But guess what’s still open? Art museums! And there are a lot of art museums in Europe!

One of my favorites was the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, which features the Dutch masters and has a large collection of works by Rembrandt. These artists had a way of using light and shadow that has inspired countless artists and photographers.

I Once Converted my Hall Closet Into a Darkroom

When I was in graduate school at Princeton studying molecular biology, I set up a closet darkroom in my apartment. I spent hours in that tiny, unventilated space, where I could both develop film and make prints.

1984 photo of Greg Schuler using an Olympus OM-2 SLR film camera

Of course later in life I would eventually “go digital” when the kids were growing up and getting into sports and other activities. I captured thousands of images of soccer, marching band, gymnastics, cross-country, and track & field.

I Ran in the Boston Marathon Three Times

I ran the marathon in 2006, 2018, and 2021. Isn’t interesting how the finisher’s medals keep getting bigger!

Getting out of your comfort zone to accomplish something you never thought possible can be very empowering.

In addition to running events, I have also participated in several triathlons, including IronMan 70.3 Rhode Island.

I’m a Published Artist

When it comes to art, I am mostly a hobbyist. But in 2023 I had one of my watercolors accepted by a literary and arts magazine Dragonfly. So I can officially say that I am “published”.

On Mondays I attend figure drawing sessions at a local arts center. These sessions involve drawing from life with nude models (both female and male). I believe that the human body is inherently beautiful and I am completely comfortable with bodies of all shapes and sizes.

For part of the session, the model does a series of very short (2 to 5 minute) poses. Very challenging!

I Worked on the Human Genome Project

And other projects too, but that’s probably the only one you may have heard of!

My career as a scientist spanned 33 years before I retired in 2023 to become a professional photographer.